Clinic News
Hair grows all over the body, albeit in varying thicknesses depending on which area of the face or body it appears. In places such as on the head, an abundant volume of hair is acceptable. It is often considered normal for a woman to shave her legs or wax her bikini line, and for men to shave their beard or chest hair. The individual may feel areas such as these have thicker, more noticeable growth that is ‘excessive’, and would prefer a surface that is smooth and hair free.
A condition known as Hirsutism often affects women, and refers to exceptionally thicker growth on the face and body. This type of growth will occur in places that are typical for men to experience, and where women may feel it is not acceptable for thicker hair to appear.
In most instances where a person seeks to get rid of their facial or body hair, it is normal hair growth and their personal preference to want to remove it. If hair appears darker or thicker in certain places, it is often down to genetics; especially within particular ethnicities. In some cases changes in hormones can influence hair to grow thicker and darker, with pregnancy and the menopause being common situations when a woman notices a change in her usual pattern of growth.
In cases of hirsutism – which can particularly affect the face, abdomen, chest, inner thighs and back, a number of factors can be the cause, including: an increase in male hormones, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and as a side effect to certain medications.
When hair growth is unwanted a person can undertake a quick and easy method in order to remove it, such as: shaving, waxing or applying a hair removal cream. These techniques provide a temporary solution to achieving a hair free exterior, and will often require a frequent routine, which can often feel inconvenient and time consuming.
The Facebible can perform laser hair removal on the face and / or body to offer a longer term solution to excessive or unwanted hair. A series of procedures can significantly reduce the amount of growth that is usually experienced, which in some cases can be permanent.